I know Superbowl 2016 has already passed, but let’s think about this post as getting ahead for the many Superbowl Games that have yet to come. The Superbowl is the grand finale of American Football season. It is the most watched event on U.S television. The Superbowl halftime show is always worth watching, and the commercials are nothing like everyday commercials. Sounds like an epic event right? So, why not have a viewing party?
This year some of my friends from Europe came over for a few days and together with my sorority sisters we had a SuperBowl viewing party. I cannot tell you what the final score was, but one thing I can tell you is that the chicken wings tasted amazing LOL. It is obvious you do not have love football to host or enjoy a Superbowl party, but it may take you a few to get used to the concept. Just remember this formula: Good friends+ Good food = Good times :)
S/N: Superbowl teams paraphernalia sells out very quicky.
Live Life Fully,
France Makabu